Tuesday, 15 December 2009

OUGD102 - What If...Self Evaluation

What problem did you identify?
The streets of Leeds City Centre are being littered because people are too lazy to find the nearest bin.

What evidence did you find to support your decisions?
Through observation, I noticed that people had been littering within 16metre of the nearest bin, even when they are not full. I found that bins are emptied in accordance to how busy that particular area is, either with bins being emptied daily or 2-3 times a week. I saw how pedestrians mindlessy threw their rubbish on the floor as they walk (intentional/habitual). Also as a group we constructed a questionnaire to find out people opinions on the litter problem in Leeds.

What methods of research did you find usefull and why?
I found that going out to find primary research was very useful as you were able to observe the problem and document what was happening. The questionnaire was quite useful.

How did these inform your response to your problem?
The questionnaire helped us to pinpoint that the bisn had to be more interative, interesting, visually appealing and convenient in order for them to use them more. We also asked what they thought the main reason behind littering was and they said laziness, which then became our problem.
What methods did you encounter as a problematic?
before the first presentatrion we hadn't constructed a questionnaire so it was as though we had made up a porblem in Leeds and not asked anybodys opinion on it.

How did you overcome this?
We constructed a questionnaire to ask people's opions and it turned out very useful within our researching.

What research could you have carried out, that would have proved more useful?
We could have asked more peopel to fill out the questionnaire to get more reliable statistics.

List 5 things that you have learnt about the design process over the last two weeks:
1. Posters don't always solve problems
2. The design process is vital, as the research and development helps you to come up with the context for the design.
3. Time needs to be taken to get reliable sources of information.
4. Asking peoples opions on subjects can give a different outlook on something.
5. Looking into different aspects of a certain subject is usefull in giving you broader information.

List 5 things you would do differently next time:
1. More time working together as a group.
2. Thinking of a broader range of different ideas.
3. Ask more people on the questionnaire so it is more reliable.
4. Do even more research.
5. Investigate problems that could be an issue once the products are int he public domain.

OUGD102 - Collection 100 Research Proposal

My Subject Matter is:

Possible Categories will include:
Ways of Life
Means of Transportation

Research Process will include:
Collecting objects from journeys

How will you Research?

Primary Methods:
Collect relevant objects
Asking peoples opinions

Secondary methods:
Categorise the transport with the lowest to highest emissions

Who/Where will you research?

Primary Sources:
People who work with transport/people who use transport

Maps, journeys, internet, newspaper, weather

Research Process will include:

Primary material:
Questionnaires, opinions, observations, documenting

Secondary material:
Statistics, facts

Monday, 14 December 2009

OUGD102 What If...Rational

Group Members:
Kirsty, Ellis, Charlotte, Emma, Paul

The Problem:
The streets of Leeds City Centre are being littered, because people are too lazy to find the nearest bin.

The Evidence:
Through observation we noticed that litter was being dropped within 16m of the nearest bin. People cannot use the excuse that the bins are too full, or that there isn't enough bins, as they are emptied in accordance to how busy that particular area is. Either being emptied daily or 2-3 times a week. We also counted the number of bins on a route within the centre and accumulated 97. 24 of which are on Briggate (the main shopping street).

We Intend to...
...Decrease the amount of litter in the streets by persuading people to use the bins provided. From our research we understood that the main reason behind littering was that people are too lazy to find a bin. We wanted to persuade people to use the bins by making them more convenient for them. We will achieve this by directing people to the nearest bin, and also by making posters to make the bins more visually appealing.

Monday, 23 November 2009

OUGD101 - End of Module Evaluation

What practical skills have you developed throught his module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have contributed well within a group work activites, having to generate and develop ideas together. I have learnt about colour studies, which was very useful as I know see the importanc eoff colour within design, so I will take it more into consideration. I have also learnt new techniques on photoshop and illustrator that I will go on the use and also learn more.

What approaches to/method of problem solving have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I have developed a strategy to first look at the concept , then the ideas, then the research and development and then finally the evaluation. I have learnt to look at the problem and figure out what it is about, what I need to know more about and what are the specifications.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I am always trying to come up with different and clever deigns with significant meanings, I will go on to do this in the following modules.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

My critical analysis skills need to be worked on when it comes to explaining my work throughout the design process and also on my blog. I will try to use a broader vocabulary using terms that are relevant to my design work.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1.I will add work to the module brief everyday rather than to let the work load build up, so I can cope better.
2. I will use the studio more after college time as I do not get distracted there, and I will be able to produce and develop more work.
3. I will try to come up with various different ideas for each brief before deciding which path to take rather than having a fixed idea in my mind from the start.
4. I will arrive earlier to college so I have time to mentally and physically prepare myself for the working day rather than rushing around.
5. I will try to analyse my work thoroughly and be more critical about my work.

How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(5=excellent, 4=very good, 3=good, 2=average, 1=poor)

Attendance - 5
Punctuality - 3
Motivation - 5
Commitment - 4
Quantity of work produced - 5
Quality of work produced - 4
Contribution to the group - 4

OUGD101 - No News Is Good News - Message & Delivery Crit 1

Here are some issues raised in my first crit:

Stock- needs to be an appropriate materila to print on and be able to hold a drink.
The relationsgip bewtween the envelope and the contents.
Becasue of the thick stock and the folds, will it sit flat?
Same stock of mat and evelope, strong but thin.
Any more informatuion on the envelope that relates to its contents?
using the same two colours as poster?

Sunday, 22 November 2009

OUGD101 - No News Is Good News - Concept Building

A Statement of Fact:
Spiking causes extreme decreased memory in most cases.

A Statement of Opinion:
Your unattended drink is a target for spikers.

Depicted from research for this brief (Design Practise)

OUGD101 No News Is Good News. Message & Delivery - Evaluations from posters.

Here are two evaluations from people in my class on my three high impact posters for the ''No News...'' brief.

What statement/fact/question is being communicated to you?
First person: The statement being communicated is that you never know if your drink has been spiked or if it is a target for spikers. It is also warning you of the effects from having your drink spiked.
Second person: Don't leave your drink unnattended, implying the close links from spiking drinks leading to sex crime.

Is this being communicated in a clear and focused way?
First person: Yes
Second person: Unsure

What could be developed further?
First person: Some of the type on the image and type poster is slightly unclear to read. Where it says 'Are you sure about drinking that?' I found it hard to read at first as the word sure could be mistaken as 'sore'. This could be easily corrected by adjusting the composition.
Second person: The image in the text/image poster could be developed as the word sure isn't readable. Readjusted and unstretched it would be more clear/readable. The image only poster is the least effective as the message is not as obvious as the previous posters.

Have the posters been kept ''simple and to the point?''
First person: Yes
Second person Yes

Is as statement, fact or question being posed?
First person: The posters are clearly abouyt drink spiking and the dangers are clearly put across. The logo used is very effective and eye catching but I think that it looks better without type in it.
Second person: Making a statement, strong warning using shock tactics to communicate the message, which is agood as particularly on this subject matter, the harsh reality needs to be clear (serious message).

Has the restrication of two colours plus stock been met?
First person: Yes
Second person: Yes

Are the two colours appropriate/innappropriate?
First person: The colours aren't too bold but are still very eye catching. The contrast between bold images and type work really well with the subtle colours
Second person: Use of striking red against the white background makes the message bold and clearly identifies key points, especially on the typography particularly the type poster. Also contrasts nicely against the grey.

Do the posters work as a set or series?
First person: Yes
Second person: Yes

Why do they work/don't work as part of a set or series and could this be developed further?
First person: The colours and type work as a set as they have been kept similar. I think as a set they look stunning and really effective. The composition on each poster works really well together.
Second person: Strong use of colour links the set of posters, consistent use of typeface and a symbol (image) that features in multiple posters. Developments that could be looked at include unclear type on the type/image poster and linking the image only poster more strongly to the message/set.

Is it clearly evident which poster is TYPE, IMAGE AND TYPE & IMAGE?
First person: Its very clear. The image on its own is clearly an image as well as the type and when they are put together they also work really well. The typeface is a good choice, bold and clear.
Second person: Yes, no confusion, very obvious.

Are the posters ''memorable, immediate high impact and clear''?
First person: I think the logo is very memorable and would be good in clubs and bars. It could also be developed as stickers, handouts, drink toppers, etc. The message from this poster is clear and to the point.
Second person: Strong message makes it memorable, with quite a harsh reality take on it. Use of colour (contrasting colours) has high impact (visual impact) for catching your eye and drawing you to the posters. Clarity of the message is less consistent, however, room to slight development to improve the impact.

Do you feel the bried has been fulfilled to it's full potential?
First person: Yes
Second person: Yes

Further feedback...
First person: The colours have been used appropriatly and to the brief. Maybe a different stock could have been tested? The message embedded in the sentence is a really clever idea, maybe where it says 'sex crime' this could be ellaborated a bit more. Really effective and clever posters.
Second person: Biochemical links to the drink ring image is effective and very relevent  (ties the subject together) concept. Brief has been fulfilled and the ideas are strong and posess potential for development.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

OUGD101 - Alphabet Soup 2 - Formative Feedback

 Feedback from Sarah Frackelton

Good Research and design context. Really good idea looking at planet Earth and animal prints. Alot of experimentations.Good final outcome.

Could have annotated design context work.

Maybe explore your idea with uppercase letters.

Feedback from Jamie

Loads of great research on animals and fonts. Lovely sketches. Good exploration of fonts and ideas. Well drawn final solution. Good use of negative space.

Not much annotations on the research. Some negative space.

Label some research. What your thoughts? What fonts do you like best?

Self Evaluation

I am happy with the appearance of the final outcome. However, after hearing other people's thoughts on my work, I realised that the style of typeface that I have created does not directly represent Niall's personality as at first glance it looks quite feminine. This was becasue I was focusing on nature, but I should have maybe looked at different elements from nature to draw, rather than fluid patterns and flowers. 

Monday, 26 October 2009

OUGD101 Alpha. Type. Visual. Eval.


Which personality traits did you choose to respond to and apply the typeface?
For the person he admired he said David Attenborough from the programme planet earth. He likes to watch this and it shows he is interested in the natural environment.

What are the reasons behind the design decisions you have made for the typeface?
The typeface (Hobo Std) has a laid back style and also a comic book feel to it, which also relates to his personality (Laid back, Calm, Happy, Mystery).

In what ways are the results effective?
They have been illustrated simply but effectively, and I think they capture the 'nature' feel and are visually appealing. The type is black with hints of the colour red, to show more of his personality coming through. I left the fill of the type blank, to show ther is more to his personality that I don't know, and I only know what is on the outside (negative space).


What personality traits do you interpret from the typeface designed to represent you?
That I am a positive person.

Describe what you think of the typeface:
The typeface used is Baskerville, which has a simple yet elegant style to it. It is legible, even though he has not used a stroke around the edge of the letterface, just created the letterfaces using small plus (+)symbols in the fills.

In what ways is it effective, and in what way is it ineffective of representing you?
It has a sence of style, elegance and maturity which I think is effective. However, I think it only captures that side of my personality, of me being a positive person.

OUGD101 Alpha. Type Visual. Evaluation 1

Partner: Niall

How are the four words selected to represent the typeface being explored?
Laid back
For laid back and happy I began to look and comic style typefaces, and chose Hobo Std.
For calm I wanted the designs not to be too clustered, and also to consider cool tones of colour.
For mystery I wanted to work int he negative space and outlien of the typeface as I don't know what is on the inside, and the different aspects of his personality. So i will explore pattern and colour for this.

Why is the existing typeface that has been selected to manipulate an appropriate choice?
It best interprets these four words. The curved/italic style relates to the laid back, happy and calm nature of his personality.

What are the reasons behind the design decision you have made for the typeface so far?
To work within the negative space - see what is on the outside, but not on the inside.
Pattern - Planet Earth (David Attenborough) plants, animals, tetxures.
Optimistic - half full, pattern in half of the letterface.

Actions to be taken:
1. Looking at different types of pattern of nature, in both animal skins and plants.
2. Different ways of manipulating negative space.
3. Try to look for a more natural style type.
4. Create a namebadge.

OUDG101 How to... Evaluation

What role(s) did you take on in the group?
Putting together the powerpoint presentation, and coming up with the idea of including events and information about relevent places of each interest wristband. This led to these events and places being put onto a map of Leeds city centre, which were put onto the USB on each wristband.

How well do you think you perfomed in the role(s)?
I liked the outcome of my work and think it is a clear and straight to the point, presentation. Which was what was intended.

How well do you think you worked as a group?
I think we pulled together well as a group as we each contributed to the problem in different ways.

What were the positives of working in a group?
Being able to discuss and develop our work together as we put our ideas together. 

What were the negatives of workin in a group?
Working outside of colleg was hard, as we weren't in contact with eachother, so we weren't able to collaborate our work together. Lack of communication.

What will you do differently next time?
I would have made time for more group work as we had a few days without seeing eachothers research and ideas.

Where could you have improved your resolution?
I could have thought about more different ways of creating the powerpoint presentation.

Whagt are the strengths of your presentation?
It gets straight to the point and clearly shows how we have solved the problem.

Monday, 12 October 2009

OUGD101 Critical Analysis - Alphabet Soup - Edit

OUGD101 How to... - Problem Analysis

How To...
...meet People With Similar Interests.

Who needs to know?
Fellow students

What do they need to know?
A simple way of finding out that they have the same interest of another student.

Why do they need to know?
So they can choose who they want to socialise with.

What will they respond to?
They will have to decide which interest are most relevant to them and choose the corresponding wristband.

Where do they go?
Wearing the wristband in certain colours and identifying students with the same, will give them an ice breaker as they have found something in common.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

10 things I want to achieve this year, on the course

To develop a deeper understanding of the nature of graphic design.

To learn new, and improve my already existing, skills and techniques on photoshop and other computer programmes.

To identify the people in my class that I want to work with, and benefit from doing so.

To become more confident in presenting my design work.

To become more assertive in group work activities.

To realise, or at least find some direction to, my ambitions as a designer.

To learn about myself and what really inspires me.

To understand the importance of timekeeping and working to deadlines.

To work efficiently and effectively under pressure.

To have a great time and enjoy myself on the course