Monday, 22 March 2010

Communication Is A Virus- Second Crit - 22/03

Issues Raised:
-Branding, promoting the fruit as a product, as it has potential for development
-How long will the fruit keep? The price? Would it appeal to people just wanting to play around and experiment?

Action to be taken:
Send the mail shots to market stalls as a way of broadening our target audience, and persuading them to sell on the fruit to the public. Could encourage to look elsewhere rather than only being able to buy off the internet.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Communication is a Virus - How does it spread? - Collaborative Brief with Pav

The Brief:
''Get people to try something new''

Must engage with a specific audience, must consider the context and environment in which we aim for it to be delievered. Identify, analyse and use existing means of ditributions, for an appropriate method of communication.

Target Audience:
Appropriate to the content, which we will develop with the concept. But initially we are aiming it at people with interest with food.

Tone of Voice:
Persuasive and informal

Appropriate language. Will the content be communicated primarily through type or image? It if is both what is the relationship between the two?

Mandatory requirements:
The response should remain within legal boundaries.
A limited colour pallet of two colours plus stock.

Design development sheets
Concept/proposal appropriate to our idea
3xA2 presentation boards identifying:
Method of delivery

Studio Deadlines:
Pitch: Monday 15th March
Final Crits: Monday 22nd March

What is a line? Brief Rationale

The Brief:
Using the manipulation of line, frame, format, media and colour, I have to produce a body of work that visually investigates to definition of the word line.
The quote I have chosen to base my investiagtion on is ''A formation of people, objects or things on besides/behind the other.
The workshop that I have chosen for my brief to be based upon is the photography workshop.

Time management, practical work, photography, contextual/theoretical relevance
I need to develop and catalog a range of investigative and experimental approaches in response to the quote I have chosen. I also need to document the application and evaluation of media.
Construction of a line: draw, trace, add/remove, layer, dot, drage...
Media, format, frame

Target Audience:

Tone of Voice:

One of the hnumerous definitions of frawing is the act of defining the outlines of an object against a background, using a wide variety of tools and techniques. It generally involves making/applying marks to a surface.

Mandatory requiremtns:
Produce a body of work - exploring development
7week worth of work
Set aside time to draw regularly
Visual investigation
Based on a workshop previously undertaken in Visual Language

A set of notebooks/sketchbooks and drawings/images in an organised, rational and considered format.

Studio Deadline:
After Easter

Monday, 1 March 2010

Interview with Karl Mead

Why have you chosen to study Graphic Design?
Well, I started off by studying Art at GCSE level and I really liked woodwork and 3d work. With my style being very graphic esque, I was told I should focus on Graphic Design. After doing a National Diploma and an Art Foundation course I realised this was what I wanted to do.

Why did you choose to study in Leeds at the College of Art?
I’m originally from Norfolk and there isn’t much around there. I think Leeds has a nice vibe, and there is everything here. As for the College, I found it to be a very comfortable and welcoming place.

How are you enjoying student life?
I’m really enjoying it. I like going out every now and again. The diet could definitely be better, but I’m not a very good cook!

What is your favourite food?
Mums roast dinner or course. But being up in Leeds, I usually cook simple things like egg on toast, or go out for a spicy Mexican.

Are you missing home?
I miss not seeing my family and friends as much.

How often do you go home?
I go back at least once a month. I’m trying to get used to living on my own.

What inspires you as a Graphic designer?
I get my inspiration from books, and seeing other people’s work. I like the style of work by Andre Venger and Alphons Mucha. I also like gypsy tattoo art.

Do you have a favourite designer?
I like the work of Oded Ezer, with his own unique, Arabic style, and how he works with calligraphy and makes it 3d.

What do you want to do when you finish the course?
I really want to go travelling in Asia, as a bit of a break before getting a job with a design agency. I would prefer to work in London, and then hopefully in New York in the future.

In Design - Workshop Brief

The Brief: 
Produce a double page spread based upon Karl Mead. 
The content should be information gathered from an interview, and also from their blog.

Explore layout, type, image, colour, and how they relate to each other.
The legibility of the information is to be considered carefully.

Target Audience:
Students who are also studying graphic design. And younger people who are thinking of studying graphic design.

Tone of Voice:
Reflect his personality. Not serious, but quite laid back, funny, and happy.

Abobe InDesign is used for the generation of compelling layout for online and offline publishing. The possibilities of which can be used as a springboard for further visual research.

Mandatory Requirements:
Must be supported by a broad range of visual investigation, in the form of notebooks and design sheets.

One double page spread

Studio Deadline:
27th May 2010