Tuesday 1 March 2011

Assessed Presentation

The Brief:

Working in a group of 4 we need to construct a business plan or business proposal for a creative design studio and present it to our peers and tutors in an assessed, oral presentation.
Our plan/proposal should be based on the analysis and content that we have been introduced to throughout the module.


''Four heads are better than one as long as they communicate.''
We will now have the luxury of 4 pairs of hands.
How will we use them effectively?


What skills and services do you have to offer?
Who is your target market?
Who is your competition and how will you compete?
What are the costs, charges and financial considerations?

Mandatory Requirements:

It is essential that we refer to a range of marketing models and recognise business 'start-up\ principles in order to gain a pass. We must make reference to the course materials, books and web sites to demonstrate our understandings.


The presentation will be 8-10minutes long.
We should use appropriate visual aids and printed material to support our presentation.
Our presentation will be assessed by two members of our course team.

Submission Deadline:

See E-studio for presentation times.
Our blogs and end of module evaluation should be completed and available for assessment by Wednesday 4th May - 9.30am

Notes and other things to consider:

70 hours private study
50% presentation
50% blog - individual research and progress
Where is the studio?
How will client's find us?
What makes us unique in comparison to other studios?
Why should clients choose us?

Assessed criteria

Level of Analysis- has there been an apropriate level of critical analysis when responding to selected material in response to the brief.

Knowledge and Understanding - does the presentation and supporting material demonstrate understanding

Organisation of Material - has the visual presentation of material, opinions and content been considered in terms of its ability to effectively communicate and support the issues discussed?

Clarity of Delivery - has the verbal presentation of material, opinions, and content been considered in terms of its ability to effectively communicate and support the issues discussed?

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